Computer generated 3D illustration with the Mars

After almost two months in the protective, emotional sign of Cancer, Mars, the Planet of Action and Desire, is ready to let loose. The red planet is heading into fiery Leo on June 11, and it’ll stay there until July 29. This transit will be an absolute game changer for the rest of our summer. That’s because Mars’s slide into the sign of the lion will fill us to the brim with a bold sense of confidence, a far cry from Cancer’s reserved energy — and we’ll be able to spend the warm summer months making the most of that swagger.

During this transit, “we are dynamic and domineering,” says Ellen Ricks, a monthly dating horoscope writer for “Even the shyest signs become emboldened by Leo’s confidence. This is a great time for asking someone out, going on dates, and just focusing on getting what you want in a relationship.” If something in your romantic life isn’t working out, however, Mars in Leo will give you the push you need to demand better for yourself (which sometimes may mean leaving a partner in the dust). “We really have the opportunity to know our worth and not settle for less,” Ricks says.

With the heat of Mars’s passion and Leo’s affinity for spectacles abruptly joining together, there is a chance for some intense drama to take place. And if you’re feeling bored in your romantic life, you may be drawn to light a fire under it. Our desire to shake things up just to cause some spice in our relationships (romantic or platonic) may backfire on us, Ricks says. Her warning: “Keep your emotions in check during this heated time and don’t let your passion run away from you, or you could burn your life down.”

If you feel your spunky side getting the best of you during this transit, take a step back and chill. Throw in some deep breaths and a meditation or two, head to a yoga class, or just go for a walk in the park. After that, you should feel a little more centred.

Mars in Leo will form a T-square with Uranus and Saturn. “It’ll add drama to the story from the Saturn and Uranus squares of February 17 and June 14,” explains Lisa Stardust, the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide and The Astrology Deck. “There’s a prideful vibe that stands in our way. But don’t let yourself hold you back.” Stardust says now is a time to really look inward — that way, we can harness the powerful side of this transit’s confident energy without losing our humility, which is key to allowing us to make a change to move forward. After all, if we use the explosive Mars in Leo energy the right way, it can take us far.

And as our passionate side heats up, so will the side of us that’s ready for love (or lust). Passionate Venus will join Mars in fiery Leo on June 27 until July 22 — and if there’s one thing we know about this duo, it’s that sparks will fly. “These weeks can be a special time of fun, entertainment, and joy, especially for those born under fire signs,” Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer at, tells Refinery29. “This combination is known for bringing someone special in your life at times, if it is compatible with your chart.” If you’re single, Hale says this may be a time to focus on meeting others — especially for those of you who are Leo suns. Love is truly in the air this month.

Inside the bedroom and out of it, our passion and desires are on fire this month. Are you ready for the heat?

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