The week ahead is challenging, intense, and transformative. The good news is that it’s bringing healing our way, which we all need to help us move forward in the best direction. Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces share a tender connection on 7th August, making us run towards our lofty romantic dreams. The caveat to this sweet alliance is the square that forms between Mars in Taurus and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius later in the day, pushing us to dominate others. Venus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn oppose each other on 9th August, bringing power struggles to relationships. The Leo sun and the Nodes of Destiny ask us to make fated choices on 10th August, which we will internally struggle with until Uranus in Taurus squares the sun on 11th August, freeing us from uncertainty. Mars and Neptune retrograde release ambiguity and fears that are holding us back on 11th August, while the full moon in Aquarius and Venus’s entrance into Leo (on the same day) push us towards autonomy and doing what we love with who we care about most.

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

The moves you make this week should go over quite well, so take a proactive approach when it comes to accomplishing your goals. The harsh energy from the full moon could put a momentary dampener on things, especially if you’re experiencing immense personal or professional setbacks that are affecting your confidence. Try to focus solely on the positive and combat any feelings of unworthiness with positive affirmations and a belief in yourself. Making a to-do list and taking on your goals step by step can do wonders when it comes to manifesting the future you desire, leaving your fears behind, and moving towards hope and inspiration.

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

The overall energy this week will be uplifting but can lead to overstimulation if you’re not careful. Remember to stay grounded and present in your body. Things should level out by the middle of the week, but your newly found quirky side will want to come out and play. Give yourself permission to unapologetically be yourself, and the universe will love you for it! Over the weekend, your sensitive side will be supercharged. Do your best to practice psychic self-defense and do not let others take advantage of your kind and generous disposition. Luckily, the full moon brings an abundance of healing energy with it, allowing your cares to dissolve away — but only if you are willing to release the past.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

If you’re struggling with time management, remember to be gentle and patient with both yourself and others. You may also find that people are more standoffish at the moment, but it’ll be important that you don’t take this personally, as it likely has nothing to do with you. Watch out for emotional spending right now and don’t blow your budget if you find yourself browsing your favourite online stores. Luckily, as the weekend rolls in, the energy will be much more easygoing, and we will have the opportunity to relax and release any stress or tension that occurred during the first days of the week (even if you decide to give your credit card an extra-special workout now).

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

You’ll likely feel drawn to take care of family and friends, especially if you spent the better part of the week putting yourself first. Understanding the emotions of others will feel like second nature, but you’ll need to be careful that you don’t allow those around you to use sob stories as a manipulation tactic. Remember that it’s okay to say “no” if you feel as though someone is trying to take you for a ride. Use this time to cosy up at home with the people you’re closest to and know you can trust. As the week comes to a close, you will want to use their insights and words of wisdom to help propel you towards your dreams.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Just when you thought relationships were reaching a calm point, old frustrations come to a feverish high. This tense energy can bring a lot of past annoyances and aggravations to light during the full moon, which can heighten the vibe between you and those you adore. Before you use your fiery sentiments to express your grievances, take a step back and try a different approach. Huffing and puffing will only serve your needs, as it’ll only be a temporary relief. Find the root of the issue and work on mending it to avoid the same situation from continuing to resurface over and over again. Be open to resolving and fixing these relationships this week to create a better foundation for the present and future. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

If you find that you’re being too critical of yourself or the people you’re close to, try not to demand perfection right now and remember that mistakes are what make us human. Avoid speaking impulsively, as you may state sentiments that you will regret saying later. Be mindful that you’re staying grounded and practical right now. As the week comes to a close, a difficult exchange in the cosmos could bring a hazy element to the table and lead to confusion. It’s unlikely you have a complete grasp on the situation, so try not to jump to any conclusions and take time to assess and understand it thoroughly. You are in need of clarity at this moment.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

This week, the full moon activates the sector of your chart that rules creative expression, so use this time to focus on your artistic side. If there are any passion projects that have fallen to the wayside recently, now is a wonderful time to reorganise all of your tasks so you can bring your vision into the material realm. This lunar placement is also great for reconnecting with your friends, so bust out the art supplies with your besties, go out for brunch, or plan a romantic evening out with your significant other or crush. Allow yourself to have fun and take creative risks. Don’t hold yourself back from achieving your very best, Libra.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Life is more like a marathon than a sprint this week. Keep this motto written down and close by to serve as your personal mantra. The overall cosmic message in the sky is to remain patient with yourself and others at all costs when your schedule suddenly picks up out of the blue. If there is anyone who has the motivation to take on every endeavour that comes forth — it’s you. Those scorpions who put in the long hours and time will be rewarded down the road. This is the time to take a chance on yourself, push your limits, and trust your instincts. All else will begin to make more sense once you let the fiery energy drive you towards attaining your goals.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

The potent lunar energy of the week could create restless sleep or emotionally charged dreams. These vibes will hang in the air, which will leave you feeling energetically and mentally depleted. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to rush through your morning rituals because you likely need extra time to decompress before starting the day. You may notice that people are more on edge than usual but try to stay calm and avoid triggering conversations because they’ll lead to huge blowouts. Rather than feeling impatient, try to look at this as a reprieve and enjoy taking a more relaxed approach to your life. Indulge in the finer things in life — if you’re in need of retail therapy, go for it!

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Certain relationships spark memories and prod at deep wounds, forcing you to look within yourself to heal. The caveat is that you’re not wanting or ready to go beneath the surface and get deep. Although such karmic partnerships are pushing you to evolve and make changes, it’s important to take your time when mending your heart to ensure that you’re giving yourself extra TLC. The more tenderness and kindness you give to yourself, the easier it’ll be to work through matters as you awaken the past and deal with situations that haunt your soul. The good news is that you’re on the road to recovery and are restoring your life. It takes a lot of inner strength to do this.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

If you’re on the hunt for new romantic conquests, try to position yourself within the arts community to meet someone special. The full moon will add stamina to your vibe, making it the perfect time to cruise the scene with your closest allies. If you already have your eye on someone specific or are in a relationship, look for ways to show you care. The celestial energy of the week will help you break through emotional barriers and connect on a new level. Whether it’s catering to their emotional needs, giving a shoulder rub, or offering to do them a solid, the person you desire will respond positively to your good nature. And, in return, reciprocate the tender sentiment you’re giving to them.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

The universe will ask you to focus on yourself over the next few days — especially since the full moon illuminates the sector of your chart that rules the subconscious. This lunar placement will shine a light on emotions, people, or situations to which you’ve been turning a blind eye, but it’s all in the name of personal evolution. Don’t worry, though, if love truly is meant to land in your lap right now, it will find a way. The best way to navigate the energy ahead is to give your heart and mind a rest. Before you overthink and overfeel matters, take a few beats and give yourself some love. Once you’re in a good emotional space, you’ll be able to figure things out easily.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

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