ben & jerrys upside down

The heatwave is here, and ice cream is our number one priority as temperatures sore. There are some delicious flavours to choose from at the moment, from the Percy Pig ice cream, to the retro sweet ice lollies and you can even get your hands on some Jaffa Cake flavoured frozen treats.

And if you’re really looking for something a little different, there’s now a Ben & Jerry’s pot that combines ice cream and crisps. Yep, you read that correctly. Although it sounds a little strange, we’re trusting the experts on this one.

However, one thing that has come to light this week via Tyla is that you’ve probably been storing your ice cream wrong this whole time.

That’s right – forget just popping your tub in the freezer and leaving it there to stand. You’re actually meant to be tipping it upside down.

The Ben & Jerry’s website states that the ice cream tubs must be stored upside down to avoid freezer burn, whereby frozen goods are affected by air and cause dehydration and oxidation. While it’s still safe to eat, it means that the taste is compromised.

It’s also best to keep it at the back of the freezer to keep it from being hit by warm air whenever the door is opened.

It reads: ‘Over time, ice evaporates. As the moisture leaves the ice cream and joins forces with moist ambient air, it refreezes on the ice cream’s surface, creating the tell-tale crystals that indicate freezer burn. What you’re left with is a concoction that’s icy, crunchy and kinda yucky.

‘Freezer burn may be your ice cream’s worst foe. Spare yourself from experiencing this culinary catastrophe: store your pint upside down somewhere deep in the freezer (never in the door).

‘Of course, the other popular way to beat the burn is… eat the whole pint!’

So now you know.

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