The advent of the new season calls for cuddle weather, pumpkin spice lattes, and new skincare hacks! Stay glowy, not gloomy in this cold and dry season.

What worked in the summer might not work in autumn. Your skincare routine is due for an upgrade, and your current line up might be obsolete.

Let’s maintain that plump skin 24/7, 365 days a year with these ride-or-die skincare hacks!

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Welcome the New Season With Autumn-Friendly Skincare Hacks

1. Pay Attention to Your Eyes and Lips

pretty 30s mixed race woman | Underrated Fall Skincare Hacks To Try This Season | skincare routine

The skin around the eyes and on the lips is the thinnest on your face, they are also more susceptible to environmental aggressors – autumn breeze included. Peptides and collagen will be your best friend, and SPF will be your savior. Luckily, we have an article on the best summer- and winter-friendly lip balms for you to choose from.

2. Store Your Skincare in the Fridge Hack

Invest in a skincare fridge! The cold from the chilly autumn breeze is not the same as applying fridge-chilled skincare.

The cooling sensation will help soothe parched and sensitized skin like scratching in an itch. Before tossing a boxful in the fridge, check the packaging first if it’s safe to be chilled.

3. Lock in the Moisture

portrait beautiful young woman | Underrated Fall Skincare Hacks To Try This Season | skincare products

Your skin enjoys a warm, steamy shower as it clears your pores and rehydrates your skin. Lock in the moisture from your bath by applying skincare products within 10 seconds of stepping out of the shower. The droplets on your skin will also work to absorb your product, so begin by layering on from the lightest to the heaviest consistency.

You’ll find that your skincare will apply more easily and your skin will feel much less greasy. Your HG skincare just got a boost.

4. Layer on Toner

beauty skin care people concept | Underrated Fall Skincare Hacks To Try This Season

For beauty beginners, it’s a toner that hydrates our skin and moisturizer that locks in the moisture. Interesting, right?

Especially in this dry season, layer on your toner twice on your face and neck to prevent dry and flaky. Reach for a toner with skin-building ingredients like collagen, biotin, and amino acids. These ingredients will help your skin rebuild, maintain a strong barrier, and better positioned to stand up to the climate.

Tip: Toner also clears our skin like a pipe cleaner, making it the perfect prep product for your skincare routine.

5. Double Cleanse Every Night

organic olive oil modern packaging | Underrated Fall Skincare Hacks To Try This Season

Double cleansing doesn’t sound as harsh and stripping as it seems. Beauties with dry skin can also hop on the bandwagon without worry!

Begin with your favorite cleansing balm or oil and follow it up with a foam or gel cleanser. Avoid foam cleansers if your skin is on the dry side as it’s better suited for those with oily skin, deeply penetrating the skin and absorbing oils. Search for a cream cleanser with calming ingredients instead and make this cleansing step a soothing one too!

This additional step will make sure you’re getting a thorough cleanse without over-drying your skin. Sometimes using a single cleanser to remove both makeup and dirt isn’t enough.

6. Wear Sunscreen Even on Gloomy Days (A Skincare Hack for All Seasons)

You may not see the sun’s rays, but trust me – they’re there and ready to pounce. UV rays contribute largely to skin damage – hyperpigmentation, advanced skin aging, you name it! All this happens even on dark days.

Apply a generous layer of sunscreen on your face and body everyday even if the sun doesn’t seem strong that day. I would even recommend using sunscreen at home as the sun’s rays are able to manage to seep through our windows.

Did you know that you don’t have to splurge on sunscreen? There are a number of affordable sunscreen products you can use like this BIORE UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence. You can even create your own sunscreen.

RELATED: 10 Proven Night-Time Skincare Routine You Need To Practice Now

7. Don’t Toss Out the Beans After Making a Cup of Coffee

bowl coffee scrub scoop on table | Underrated Fall Skincare Hacks To Try This Season | fall weather

Soak up all the antioxidants from your morning cup of joe, then recycle the beans for your skincare hack. Just the antioxidants from coffee prove beneficial to your skin, but its topical applications deserve a moment in the spotlight as well.

The caffeine from the coffee beans improves blood circulation, which helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and dark circles. Packed with anti-inflammatory properties, you can use this to treat hyperpigmentation and acne.

Whether it’s used as a brightening agent for normal skin, or an acne and inflammation treatment for troubled ones, keep a pack in your home. It’s not just for your pumpkin spice latte.

8. Revamp Your Skincare Lineup

Sensitive skin? The cold fall weather climate won’t help, it’s time to update your skincare arsenal. Replace your exfoliators and scrubs with soothing and hydrating balms.

If you have clogged pores and find it difficult to separate from your BHA and AHA, look up PHAs. They’re a newer and gentler compound. Or look for exfoliating compounds formulated with soothing ingredients like oatmeal, chamomile, or Centella Asiatica.

9. Magic Words: Glycerin, Peptides, Collagen, Ceramides

natural skincare products | Underrated Fall Skincare Hacks To Try This Season

While you’re updating your skincare line up, watch out for these keywords – glycerin, peptides, collagen, and ceramides. All these ingredients together will keep your skin healthy and stand up to environmental aggressors brought by the harsh autumn winds.

Glycerin is a supercharged moisturizing ingredient used to treat eczema and is gentle enough to use on baby skin. Peptides occur naturally in the skin and stimulate your skin’s collagen production, and our skin’s collagen production decreases as we age, leaving us with less firm and wrinkly skin. Ceramides strengthen the skin barrier, lock in moisture, and protect your skin from pollutants and environmental aggressors.

10. DIY Skincare Sheet Mask Hack

Ran out of hydrating sheet masks? Make your own with just your hydrating toner and cotton pads.

If your cotton pad has many layers, peel off just one or two layers and use fashion a sheet mask out of it. Grab three two-layered pads, soak them in toner, and pop them in your fridge for five minutes! Place them on your forehead and cheeks and you’ve got yourself a DIY sheet mask!

Cooling them in the fridge helps soothe your tired skin and minimizes the appearance of your pores.

11. Don’t Wash Your Face in the Morning

asian women she bed waking morning | Underrated Fall Skincare Hacks To Try This Season

This is the easiest skincare hack, but is also the one that takes the most getting used to.

Rinse your face in the morning with lukewarm water, but drop the face soap. Let your skin bask in last night’s skincare products, our skin will need extra hydration in cold weather. You can proceed to layer on your morning skincare after rinsing your face!

12. Antioxidants All the Way

eating healthy breakfast bowl yogurt granola | Underrated Fall Skincare Hacks To Try This Season

Antioxidants aren’t exclusive to your skincare. Nab a healthy dose of antioxidants by going for a healthier diet. Nutrition is the best skincare hack, imposing a larger effect than your most expensive serum.

Add blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries into your morning yogurt. Chomp on a piece of dark chocolate for dessert, and snack on some pecans in the afternoon. Beauty is only skin deep, but inside out if you introduce proper nutrition.

Check out Hyram’s favorite face masks for different skin needs:

It’s that time of year for crisp autumn leaves to fall to the pavement and for skincare hacks to keep our skin plump this cold and dry season. Don’t let the falling leaves drag down your skin health with it. These quick hacks will make sure your skin survives and thrives through winter!

Is your autumn skin better than your summer skin now? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!

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