The new year will bring major changes to our lives — especially our professional desires. There are several major astrological transits that will push us to achieve greatness and transform the direction of our career in 2021. 

Here are six main aspects to watch out for: First, Saturn, who’s in Aquarius, squares off with Uranus, who’s in Taurus, three times: on 14th February, 14th June and 24th December. This will push us to change our objectives and may even encourage us to work for ourselves. The Venus Star Point in Aries, which is an alignment between the sun and Venus, occurs on 26th March. Around this time, we’ll begin to move towards what we love on a professional level.

The eclipses of 2021 occur on 26th May, 10th June, 19th November and 4th December. These events will force us to move into a new creative and intellectual space. Meanwhile, Jupiter’s movement into Pieces on 13th May to 28th July and 28th December will inspire us to expand our network and portfolio. Mercury’s planetary moonwalks from 30th January to 21st February in Aquarius, 29th May to 22nd June in Gemini, and 27th September to 23rd October in Libra will make us rethink our visions entirely. This will prove beneficial in manifesting our next professional dream.

Finally, Venus retrograde, which starts on 19th December in Capricorn, gives us the chance to reassess our personal goals. We’ll only want to work for a company who values us — personally, professionally, and monetarily.

Taken together, it’s clear to see that 2021 may be a transitional year for us workwise, either internally (as we reassess what we really want professionally) or externally (as we move on to bigger and brighter things in our careers). These sorts of changes can be stressful but the good news is that any moves we make this year will move us closer to a more fulfilling professional life.

March 21 to April 19

2021 starts off with an inspiring and intense new moon in Capricorn, which occurs on January 13 in the career sector of your chart, Aries. This luminary will motivate you to take control of your professional passions and to go for the gold at work. The caveat is that it’s igniting the “Cap stack” (the Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto stellium in Capricorn) from 2020. Therefore, it’s making you feel as though you aren’t deserving of all the successes that are coming your way — but you totally are. The Venus Star Point, which occurs in Aries on March 26, is your time to creatively shine. You may even receive recognition from your superiors and a raise at the end of March, cementing your baller status among your colleagues. The Full Buck Moon in Capricorn on June 24 brings the culmination of a project that began during the solar eclipse on December 26, 2019. This could mean that you’ve outgrown your current position, pushing restructuring at your job and allowing you to spread your wings there. The year rounds out with Venus retrograde encouraging you to rethink your professional visions, possibly urging you to lean towards a more creative role at work on December 19.Illustrated by Daniel Zender

April 20 to May 20

Never one to ruffle feathers, you’re beginning to stand up for yourself and assert your professional  goals, Taurus, starting when action planet Mars aligns with your sun on January 6. You’ll discover that your newfound sparky energy is working in your favour on January 17, when expansive Jupiter and revolutionary Uranus square off, bringing you fresh and novel career opportunities. The caveat to your success is that you’ll have to embrace change (which isn’t something you like). The Aquarius New Moon on February 11 pushes you to take major leaps — which you won’t be ready for until the 14. This doesn’t mean that your job is in crisis; however, there will be shifts at your company that will transform your role on February 14, June 14, and December 24 (when taskmaster Saturn and rebellious Uranus transform your professional scope of work for the better). The world is evolving, and so must you. Keeping up with changes will be challenging, but doable and manageable. The Aquarius Full Moon on July 23 and the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19 are prime times for you to see the positive merits of the risks and amendments you’ve undergone this year.Illustrated by Daniel Zender

May 21 to June 20

All work and no play has left you feeling emotionally exhausted. But this isn’t the time for you to take time away from work. In fact, 2021 is the year when you begin the groundwork that leads to your peak professional success of the decade, which occurs in 2024 to 2026, when the North Node of Destiny in Pisces. When Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13 and galvanises the career sector of your chart until July 28, you will be gifted professional luck from the cosmos. Keep your LinkedIn account active and network with coworkers then, as it may lead to a new opportunity that’s better than your current position. The good news is that Jupiter re-enters Pisces on December 28, which means you’ll start 2022 off with success. The only caveat to your prosperous year is that you may have issues with your team at work, when Mars enters Scorpio on October 30. Don’t overshare your ideas with them, as one of them may steal it and claim it as their own to your boss during the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19. Make sure you keep track of your visions to ensure you get proper credit for them. Illustrated by Daniel Zender

June 21 to July 22

A raise is coming your way during the Venus Star Point in Aries on March 26. On top of receiving more pay for your work, you will also get a stellar review from your boss on April 11 during the Aries New Moon. The only issue is that some of your coworkers may be jumping ship and leaving their jobs for other opportunities, particularly during the Lunar Eclipse on May 26. All of their work may pile up on your current load, adding to your stresses. But if there’s anyone who can take on all of this — it’s you. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4 brings a whole new team of people to work with you. However, you may become frustrated with their lack of drive or ability to complete tasks on time when Mars enters Sagittarius on December 13. Try not to get too sentimental with your colleagues then, as the Cold Full Moon in Gemini on December 14 could bring an emotional chill to your office after you let your frustrations and feelings out. This could result in you being iced out by your coworkers and superiors, which is the opposite of what you want.Illustrated by Daniel Zender

July 23 to August 22

You’re no longer wanting to stay at your 9-to-5 gig in 2021. In fact, the idea of clock watching, working for the weekend and receiving a steady paycheque is a sentiment that you’ll stop wanting. 2021 kicks off with Mars galvanising the career sector of your chart on January 6, pushing you to make moves towards attaining your professional dreams and doing what you love this year. When Jupiter and Uranus square off on January 17, you’ll start making moves to get a side hustle off the ground, possibly wanting to take a gamble on a passion project, which could lead to a major career change this year. It won’t be until February 14, during Saturn and Uranus’ first aspect with each other (the other two will occur on June 14 and December 24) when you will start to see momentum and monetary gain from your other professional pursuits. At this time, you’ll start to focus more on moonlighting at your secondary job. The Taurus New Moon on May 11 sparks your desire to start a new professional opportunity but it won’t be until the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 when you’ll fully transition into your new career.Illustrated by Daniel Zender

August 23 to September 22

Time to face the facts, Virgo: You have a tendency to be a workaholic. And this year will be no different. However, you will have to learn to balance out your life before taking on more work than you can handle in 2021. As the North Node of Destiny galvanises through the work sector of your chart, professional opportunities will fall into your lap. The caveat is that you’ll have to learn to be picky about what projects you commit to in 2021, as some of them may not be worth your time (both monetary and energetically). Working so hard will have an effect on your personal life and one-on-one relationships because you won’t have time to enjoy them or give them the attention they deserve. The Solar Eclipse on June 10 will catapult your career to great heights. But the Lunar Eclipse on May 26 and the Solar Eclipse on December 4 will force you to give your personal life more TLC, as well as making you stop and smell the roses. This is essential for you to have a rich and meaningful, well balanced life. Also, it will help you avoid professional burnout before the end of the year.Illustrated by Daniel Zender

September 23 to October 22

It’s unlike you to engage in drama with your coworkers, Libra. But this year it may not be avoidable. The New Moon in Capricorn on January 13 ignites your inner need for control and dominance over others, as it activates the Capricorn stellium from 2020 in Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This energy will lead you into the New Moon in Pisces on March 13, which reveals gossip and deceptions among your “trusted” colleagues. You may find out that a member of your team or a competitor is copying your work and passing it off as their own (ya know, being downright shady). Office politics will be brought to the next level of theatrics when Jupiter wanders into Pisces from May 13 to July 28 and then again on December 28. The good news is that July 9’s New Moon in Cancer lets you take back your power at work, allowing you to show off your talents to your boss and clients. Praise is in the air, which will make you soar to new professional heights all summer long — even giving you the chance to let your unscrupulous coworkers know you’re a winner during the Pisces Full Moon on September 20.
Illustrated by Daniel Zender

October 23 to November 21

WFH was a hard adjustment for you to make last year. Unfortunately, it’s even more challenging for you this year (well, for the half of the year anyway). As expansive Jupiter and austere Saturn move through the home sector of your chart, you’ll want to throw yourself into work to avoid the underlying issues that are brewing at the home front. The Full Moon in Leo on January 28 will push you to look for a space outside of your home to work out of to avoid distractions. Luckily for you, you may head back to the office on June 11 (depending on the local situation in regards to the pandemic), when Mars enters Leo. If you don’t, then you’ll find a permanent nook for yourself to work out of for the remainder of 2021 on the Full Moon in Aquarius that occurs August 22. The Leo New Moon on August 8 is your most creative time in 2021. Make it count by endlessly pitching ideas to clients and stepping up your professional game. This will lead to amazing opportunities on October 30, when your planetary ruler aligns with your Sun — all of which you will crush at work.
Illustrated by Daniel Zender

November 22 to December 21

Mercury’s three planetary moonwalks in 2021 will affect your career in different ways. Mercury’s backstroke in Aquarius from January 30 to February 20 will push you to discuss your old professional visions with your supervisor or mentor, which may lead to you changing your role at the office and taking on projects that align with your dreams. The second Mercurial back step of 2021 occurs in Gemini and lasts from May 29 to June 22. During this time, you will change who you partner with on projects and revise the terms of your contract at work. The third and final Mercurial retrograde of 2021 lasts from September 27 to October 23 in Libra. This will help you gain insight on the next steps needed to achieve your goals (like the boss you are). It’s a moment of reflection while you await a title change that will heighten your status at the office and among your peers. The only negative aspect of 2021 is that you’ll find your coworkers are acting erratically (particularly on February 14, June 14, and December 24), making their work inconsistent. Don’t pick up the slack for them, even though you’ll want to. Focus solely on yourself.Illustrated by Daniel Zender

December 22 to January 19

2021 starts with a very potent New Moon that aligns with your Sun (which occurs on January 13). This will stimulate the powerful energy you felt in 2020, as the Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto stellium in Capricorn. Before you commit to new opportunities on January 13, think them through. You may decide to skip out on what’s presented to you then and focus on creating your own business endeavour during the Venus Star Point in Aries on March 26. Mercury’s backwards march from September 27 to October 23 in Libra will connect you with old colleagues willing to lend a helping hand though networking. You may even get a new gig as a result, during the New Moon in Libra on October 6, prompting you to leave your current job during the Full Moon in Aries on October 20. Once again, it’s important for you to not make impulsive decisions or choices that only look good on paper and are financially lucrative. Weigh the pros and cons of the job before accepting the opportunity. This will ensure that you are on the right career path for the next year, when Venus starts its retrograde journey in Capricorn on December 19. 
Illustrated by Daniel Zender

January 20 to February 18

2021 is extremely intense for your professional life. The year kicks off with a Jupiter and Saturn alignment on your Sun, which will make you unsure of the next steps in your career. This uncertainty will become exasperated when Jupiter and Uranus square off on January 17. Finding your professional footing may be hard, as your personal life is taking some hits. The energy settles during the Saturn and Uranus connections of 2021 which occur on February 14, June 14, and December 24. Your career will have more direction, as you’re levelling up and using revolutionary ideas to your professional advantage. As for the ambivalence towards your career, the dust will settle around such sentiments from May 13 to July 28 and then from December 28 forward, when Jupiter moves off your Sun and into Pisces. The Scorpio New Moon on November 4 will make you feel like the powerhouse that you are, cementing your professional authority and decisiveness towards your career objectives. However, the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 will bring frustrations felt in the beginning of the year to light, forcing you to rethink your goals and visions. Perhaps it’s time to pursue a new dream.Illustrated by Daniel Zender

February 19 to March 20

As the Nodes of Destiny square your Sun, you may feel as though it’s time to take a step back from work. This means that you may not get the promotion you want or will choose to leave your current gig to pursue other ventures that are more fulfilling to you. When elusive Neptune, who’s aligned with your Sun, aspects the Nodes or Destiny on January 26, you will feel disillusioned at work. This will undoubtedly inspire you to look for a new position at a different company during the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26. The good news is that you’ll be feeling yourself from May 13 to July 28 and then again on December 28, when Jupiter connects with your Sun. This will give you the incentive to send your resume out and apply for jobs online. Finding new work that you love will take a hot minute. But if you’re patient you’ll find a great professional opportunity during the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4. You’ll put all your energy into proving your amazingness and awesomeness to your new boss from December 13 well into 2022, when action planet Mars moves into fiery Sagittarius.
Illustrated by Daniel Zender

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